CharacterPlus helps educators implement a school framework that creates a positive and healthy school environment where learning is enhanced, and students can thrive. CharacterPlus has proven results of increasing test scores and academic achievement while decreasing disciplinary incidents. In the Greater St. Louis Region alone, we serve:

+50 School Districts

+500 Schools

16,000 Teachers

+400,000 Students
National Leader
Missouri leads the country in the most recognized National Schools and Districts of Character. More than 25% of the National Schools of Character are affiliated with CharacterPlus.
State Schools of Character
National Schools of Character
7 State and National Districts of Character
National Recognition
One of our processes, CharacterPlus Way, uses data for ongoing assessment, monitoring and refinement to create a comprehensive and sustainable framework with proven results of increasing test scores and academic achievement while decreasing disciplinary incidents. This process and its results has been nationally recognized by CASEL and NREPP.
To learn more about how CharacterPlus can help you create a positive school culture and climate, contact us at 314.692.1252 or info@characterplus.org.

The Collaborative for
Academic, Social, and
Emotional Learning

The National Registry of
Evidence-Based Programs
and Practices